What series do you recommend?

 Julie Wert
What series do you recommend?
I really love the series The Vampire Diaries, but the premiere will not be until October. Please recommend a science fiction series. P.S - Supernatural, Twilight, Pretty Little Liars I know.


Kirill Kopyl
Game of Thrones

capercaillie))) and what genre do you like?

You don't troll me
"Being Human", "True Blood"

there is also there
I liked the closed school once, 2 years ago)

Anastasia Denezhko
Game of Thrones

Murray Cypher boxybaxy
24 breaking bad dexter lilyhammer wiretap house of cards the sopranos

Just Crazy
Sherlock, Chorus, Misfits, Teen Wolf, Friends

Nastya Klyuchishina
Teen Wolf, Under the Dome, Ancient, Secret Circle, Witches of East End, Arrow, Grimm, Once Upon a Time

Darya Kalinina
you can try to watch shows like teen wolf, under the dome, boarding school, kyle xu, once upon a time (once upon a time), continuum, mixed up in the maternity hospital (mixed up). Good luck finding your favorite series ;)

Gray fox of the Mohican tribe

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