What are the movies similar to twilight?

 Simonka Milonova
What are the movies similar to twilight?


Elena Luzyanina
If related to vampires, then the movie is the Queen of the Damned, and the series is The Vampire Diaries. If related to the plot, then 50 shades of gray (after all, the book was written as a fan fiction for twilight ..).

Elena b
Vampire Academy The Vampire Diaries

Maria Mazaeva
And also the Hunger Games - there are no vampires, but the love line is the same

And also "Interview with the Vampire" 1994 (based on the book by Anne Rice). There is also a suffering vampire. Only thoughts, actions and reasoning on the questions tormenting him more than a hundred times.

Anya Markosyan
The Vampire Diaries

sergey kim
van helsing

Olivia Frazier
There are many similar films and series on KinoPoisk and KinoKopilka.

RUS: testsoch.info/175828226-kkie-est-filmy-pohojie.html