Will the number of cannibals increase after watching the series "Hanibal"?

 Vadim 777
Will the number of cannibals increase after watching the series "Hanibal"?
After all, there are many people in the world with an unbalanced psyche, those who like to imitate, lovers of new sensations. Take at least the fact that, after the movie "Dracula" Twilight ", vampire fan clubs appeared around the world and those who began to lead the lifestyle of vampires.


Agathon Prokhorenko
Wait, people will soon realize that there is a lot of relatively fresh food in cemeteries...

Ice Le1
I suggest calling a psychiatrist right away. dispensary and they will make vegetables out of them

Olga Samvelova
:) Well, there are few people like Hanibal (just like in the series) in real life. I think it’s ridiculous to engage in profanity by imitating, few people want to.

Tried it, didn't like it...

vasily urodomailov
Following your logic, after the battle of thrones, the number of swordsmen and archers should increase?

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