Can you recommend a series?

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Can you recommend a series?
Please advise some series with the genres of romance, fantasy and maybe even horror. I would like something like American Horror Story (or rather the first season). But please, I don’t need some shit to advise me similar to twilight



Chronicles of Shannara. fantasy new, like nothing like that.

Try TheWalkingDead.

ala ala

Irina Dorozhkina
The Vampire Diaries

Zulfiya Gareeva
Shameless, in all serious, walking cops,

Olivia Frazier
The Vampire Diaries Grimm Supernatural Castle Arrow Original/Ancient Pretty Little Liars Flash Bones Eternity Constantine Gotham The 100 Beauty and the Beast Defenders Sleepy Hollow I-Zombie Daredevil Legends of Tomorrow Ultron Damien 2016 in ch. R. Bradley James (Merlin, Zombie I) Outlander Witches of East End 2015 People Stitchers Whisper Tomorrow People Cloak Ghost Whisperer Merlin Supergirl Salem Blind Spot Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Dread Tales The Shannara Chronicles Grey's Anatomy Teen Wolf Damien The X-Files (New Season) Yandex, Kinogo, Imkhonet, Film-Like... Google is still full of sites with a list of similar films and series.

Georgy Fedorovich
Chronicles of Shannara An excellent series in the fantasy style.