I don't know what came over me, but I'm a grown man in my 20s, and yesterday I watched the movie Twilight, all parts. IS IT NORMAL???

 wild nature
I don't know what came over me, but I'm a grown man in my 20s, and yesterday I watched the movie Twilight, all parts. IS IT NORMAL???


Karl Modestovich
So you are a snotty 13-year-old TP at heart

~$sexy booger$~
This is fine. The film is beautiful and atmospheric.

Magic Rabbit
I looked too. Purely to understand what my children are watching. IMHO, bullshit.

Obormot Cat
Happens. I also watched a couple of episodes. And I didn’t feel sick - I just got tired of the same face of the main character - in any situation, in all emotions, the same face :))

Unset man
nice movie worth watching

RUS: testsoch.info/203895776-ya-ne-znyu-chto-n-meny.html