Have you noticed how, after the release of a film with an interesting feature, they shoot a series with the same feature but not related to

Have you noticed how, after the release of a film with an interesting feature, they shoot a series with the same feature but not related to the film?
For example the film "Twilight" there was a love triangle, first love and blah blah blah snot melodrama. Voila, and we have the same series "The Vampire Diaries". There was a film "Gladiator" where the great warrior, by the will of fate, fell into slavery, became a gladiator, loved his wife. Voila and we have the series "Spartacus: Blood and Sand"


It's really no fuss
after 2007, many Russian TV series resemble Liquidation

Vadim Hitriy
Now, in general, there is some kind of mania to shoot TV shows after the success of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. "Star Wars", "Lord of the Rings", "King Kong", "Alien" - everything is put on series ...

Nikolaev Nikolai

RUS: testsoch.info/209484941-zmechli-kk-posle-vyhod.html