What if I want to be friends, but my classmates are boring?

 Anna Smirnova
What if I want to be friends, but my classmates are boring?
I love live communication. I don't like online communication at all. The catch is that I live in a small town where there are not many young people. Among my classmates, frankly, I'm bored. They discuss only cosmetics, series (most often teenage ones that I can’t digest), gossip, all kinds of love-teenage shit novels (like twilight, shades, before I meet you, 13 reasons and other literature that makes me sick). In short, I have absolutely no topics for conversation with them. Guys are also not of interest to me as interlocutors (tanks, repchik, where beer is on sale and what expensive whitefish went do not interest me). In short, I'm like a nerd with a love for classical literature, music and painting. I'm interested in this. But I have no one to discuss this with. In short, due to a mismatch of interests, I can not find friends. I tried to read and watch what classmates are watching. Well, I didn't like it at all. So I don't know what to do....


Ivan Stepanov
Approach people on the street and get acquainted, here you have live communication

Άηϑρέΰ ҂
go fishing

Gennady kavboy
Make friends with classmates!

Zhenorealist KZ ZSU VISKA
Take your time, there is no friendship in reality, there are only mutually beneficial relationships or hidden parasitism

Snowman with big carrot
Go in for sports that you like, maybe music, other circles and you will find friends there

RUS: testsoch.info/212484233-chto-delt-esli-ya-hoch.html