pliz advise some movie, or a series about vampires ... everything except twilight, I watched twilight ...

pliz advise some movie, or a series about vampires ... everything except twilight, I watched twilight ...
..everything except twilight, I watched twilight...



Galina Shabanova
"Interview with a Vampire".

the story of a vampire... from 19.11 New Moon

Real McCoy
There are so many of them - you can't list them all - here are the most interesting and famous: Interview with a vampire (probably seen - Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise) Bram Stoker's Dracula (with Gary Oldman, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder) Dracula 2000 (the sexiest Dracula performed by Gerard Butler) Prince Dracula Blood and Chocolate (about werewolves, but very reminiscent of Twilight) 30 Days of Night (horror) Vampires (dir. J. Carpenter) Vampires 2: Day of the Dead Vampires 3: The Awakening of Evil Van Helsing Queen of the Damned (also very cute Vampire - Lestat) The Story of a Vampire (2009) Day Watch Night Watch From Dusk Till Dawn (three parts) Let Me In (2008) Bloodrain Blade (three parts) Ultraviolet Warriors of Light The Last Vampire Vampire Hunger (1983) Undead (with Casper van Dien, Natalya Andreichenko) Perfect Creation Vampire Hunter Dee: Bloodlust 30 Days Till Dawn (Russia, Sweden) Nosferatu, Symphony of Horror American Vampire Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992 film) Gemini (2003) Brotherhood of Blood Vampire in Brooklyn Vampires: Rebirth of the Ancient Kinda (2006) Dracula's Widow Children of the Night Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Vampire Diaries True Blood (2008-2009) Moonlight (2007-2008) Blood Bonds Blade

Also "Shadow of the Vampire" and the film which, according to its plot, was filmed by "Nosferatu" with Max Shrek. Vampire Ball, or excuse me, but your teeth on my neck are a wonderful parody. "Attraction" by Abel Ferara And also anime Vampire Knight, Blood+ Blood of the last vampire Hellsing Song of the Lamb

Julia Razumova
"Gemini" with Jackie Chan, only there is almost no Jackie!!!

svetlana demidova
discovery of witches. where a witch fell in love with a vampire