Who likes the series "Twilight? ... tell us what will happen in the third part)) ...

 Victoria Gurovskaya)
Who likes the series "Twilight? ... tell us what will happen in the third part)) ...


Seattle is engulfed in a series of mysterious murders, and the vampire, overwhelmed by a thirst for revenge, continues to search for Bella, who is again in mortal danger. In addition, at the epicenter of all events, Bella is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob, knowing that her decision could serve as an impetus for the renewal of a long-standing confrontation between vampires and werewolves. Among other things, she has to make another important decision: life or death, because the end of high school is just around the corner. ^_^

RUS: testsoch.info/38028843-komu-nrvitsya-seril-su.html