What is a normal movie to recommend to a 10-year-old girl who thinks that the movie "Twilight" is about true love?

 Elena *****
What is a normal movie to recommend to a 10-year-old girl who thinks that the movie "Twilight" is about true love?


Alisa Nikitina
You never dreamed, Hurry to love (I don’t remember if there are erotic scenes)

"Titanic" if you haven't seen it! ) Film for 10 points

crepe georgette
You never dreamed

Alexander Kochev
Tenth Kingdom.

Anastasia Sadovnik
My advice .... better explain to the girl that Twilight is nonsense and there is not even a hint of love there, just creating a new sex symbol, for example, Edward and Jacob (I don’t know their names in life), Bella plays like a full brake .. . I advise you to watch the cartoon Spirit - the soul of the prairies, and there is love, and beautiful graphics, and about animals) But it’s better to wean children from modern stupid Hollywood and accustom them to the classics of Soviet cinema ...

Alex N
"Let me in"

The first thing that came to mind - you never dreamed of.

You never dreamed, Titanic. Cool movies, beautiful love.

UriaH Heep
It's ok for now... . The history of the book and film... The author simply dreamed of the plot .... and subsequent books have already been invented by the author, therefore they are not so popular .... Sometimes I dream of such a phantasmagoria .... that the film must have become a super action movie ... If she doesn't know, enlighten her that it's just that. dream on paper...

"Fire, Water and Copper pipes"! And other tales of Alexander Row, damn it, at this age I still watched cartoons ...

RUS: testsoch.info/44518896-kkoy-normlnyy-film-pos.html