Do you like the movie Twilight? What is the best movie in the saga? and the worst?

 hedgehog cactus
Do you like the movie Twilight? What is the best movie in the saga? and the worst?


Molko Lakomkin
no, I didn’t look and I won’t) I like this more

evergreen Yu
hate!! ! Lord, already my ears cannot hear this word and my eyes cannot see this word!!!

Gray cat
Don't like don't like don't like! :b

I like the first and second, but the third not so much, if they shot it from the book it would be a cool 3rd part, otherwise the director was not chosen correctly if the 4th part from the book is filmed then it will be just a bomb =)) I read all five books and if filmed exactly on them, then they would all be a bomb =)))

I really like the first part .. and the rest I just watch for the sake of continuing ...

Jackie Sparrow
Twilight - the first film directed by Katherine Hardwig - is thought out to the smallest detail - great direction, charming atmosphere, impeccably chosen actors and their images, special thanks to the designers for the simple but tasteful costumes of the characters. The music in the film fits perfectly with the plot and meaning. The impression remains for a long time - I watched it 25 times on a licensed disk with additional materials - it's worth it to have a license in the collection. New Moon - the second film directed by Chris Weitz - was shot somewhat hastily, the music exists separately from the film, the wolves are not fully drawn. But certain moments of the book are presented superbly - especially the city where the Volturi clan lives and Edward's marble battle for Bella - was itself in Italy and the atmosphere is impeccably created. Although the film turned out to be weaker than the previous one, but after watching the licensed disc, where the work on the film is shown in detail, you begin to respect the director and the team. Eclipse, the third film directed by David Slade, is impeccably shot - with humor, bright settings, fights with vampires are dynamic and breathtakingly filmed. Russian dubbing (or rather, translation, not voice acting) leaves much to be desired, many translation errors, starting with the clumsily translated poem by Robert Frost "Fire and Ice", which is the essence of the third picture. I really liked the film and I'm waiting for the release of a licensed disc with additional materials. The main thing is that all the favorite actors together, the actors who voice them, also for the most part remained in the ranks - this pleases, because the voices are well chosen. In my personal ranking: number one is Twilight, number two is Eclipse and number three is New Moon. Increase

I think the best, corny, the first. without him, everything else would not exist. and if he did not impress, then the rest of the parts would be worthless. almost always the first film is the most exciting and is made with the greatest effort to capture the viewer. I personally quite liked the movie. Why? I think that the idea is not as banal as other films about vampires. and presentation without bloodshed, etc. a fresh look, a fresh idea, young actors are the key to success.

Olga Vikulova
Very disappointed with the third part, perhaps, if you did not read the books, it would have made the right impression. And it didn't live up to my expectations!
