Why do you dislike the Twilight movie so much?

 Dorian Gray (Prince Charming)
Why do you dislike the Twilight movie so much?


abai akyn
why love him?

keyboard ninja
I didn't watch it at all.

Andrew G
For the fact that he stupefies the population ...

Ivan Ivanov

User deleted
The movie is not based on real events

Oleg B.
Everything is very stupid and naive, although in some places it is vital, but this is a trifle compared to the whole essence of the film. And the book is really written for the population who thinks narrowly, it is easy to read and predictable.

Maria Ponomareva
because it's a drag

Vladimir Ivanov
For snot, I don’t like these films. How these youngsters, pissing with boiling water from this movie, were pulled up, and screaming about it on every corner!

Olezhka 007
Haven't seen a single shot of it... What can I say, hysteria untwisted from nothing ... And the fashion for it will pass as instantly as it began ... And in fact, this is nonsense about non-existent ... As well as goths merged from the west, emo and similar imposed types of behavior ...

In general, I looked neutrally and forgot .... Teenage fanaticism passed at the age of 13 !!!!

__twilight is sheer dementia :) __the main character is scary with protruding ears_the hero is generally creepy__the plot is boring__

sergey panin
I thought it was boring, I didn't even watch it. "Queen of the Vampires" is even more interesting.

the dumbest vampire story

And I like the movie :)

Stupid movie made pop by crazed fans... . The book is still tolerable, for sentimental girls of 13-14 years old it will do, but the film ... OPF. no comments( And I like this patisson much more! =))))

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