What do you think of the Twilight movie?

What do you think of the Twilight movie?
Is it mediocrity of the director, cheap acting, low-quality special effects and crap cinema?


Everything is exactly as you said. Well done!))

I personally liked it

Xxxx Xxxx
There is taste and color. Understand? To each his own. Some people like it, some don't.

neither, I liked it

Nastya Markovskaya
How fashionable it has become to dirty "Twilight" now .... No one noticed that only the lazy does not pour mud on them ....

No. Of the above, I agree only at the expense of the actors, because Stewart walked the whole film with a monotonous-strange expression on her face, and I also do not like Patisson as an actor. The rest of the cast did a good job playing their roles though. I can't call the movie bad, because it's still unique in its own way. And the director, in my opinion, coped well with his task.

Predator X
Not good

Yes Yes!! gold words! out of curiosity, I watched a couple of parts - the feeling that this is a dummy of the film does not leave: deleted fragments, well, or screen tests))

Woof Woof =)
Perhaps, but someone likes it, so I would not argue. Although he himself looked at half of the first part, and did not find anything so "special" and catchy there, turned it off and forgot.

Fashion victim! Young girls drooling over vampires.. . BEEEE ((((((Queen of the Damned is my choice!!!

wolf rakshu
Eh, you should have asked your question in the summer. Then there were such battles here about "Twilight" ...

Sergei Maidannik
Why a poll! ? After all, you already decided everything for yourself! The film is good, don't drive! If you have a different perception - start reading books!

Boogie Woogie Frankenstein
This is not mediocrity, this is a typical position for modern cinema "The viewer is a redneck." The position is correct and very effective, because it breaks money immeasurably. So there are no complaints about the above. From this point of view, the film was a success. I watched it once out of boredom and won't watch it again. Never.

Ekaterina Mar|Tini
Well, for example, there are such films that I have watched and want to watch again, but there are those that I liked, but somehow I don’t want to watch a second time. I would classify Twilight as the second. I looked once, I had enough)

Soldier of Fortune
Yes, this is a series of films full stop)

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