Why don't the twilight movie actors want to be seen in public???

Why don't the twilight movie actors want to be seen in public???


Duc, blue soul, they entered their roles so much that they themselves, go, became vampires ...

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they are vampires

Some are afraid of a bite in the neck, others do not leave their herd of wolves, but still others will shine in the sun .... in short PPC

ZooM Othersize
fans will tear as an option ...

Gender Unknown

they will be eaten by sick fans and female fans I hope you saw that one fan in the store stole a paper cutout with Robert Pattison

oh, we're not interested, we don't want it, we don't need it...

mmmmm, here's an example of how movies spoil the minds of teenagers =(

Lee Lu
zae .. ali their fans.

RUS: testsoch.info/49193749-pochemu-ktery-film-sum.html