Why is everyone so obsessed with the twilight movie? he's stupid, it doesn't really make sense...

 Alexander Berdnikov
Why is everyone so obsessed with the twilight movie? he's stupid, it doesn't really make sense...


Battlefield Overwatch
everyone is stupid too, that's why they stick

didn't even look

so the corresponding contingent is rushing))

Ivan Ivanovich
Stephen King agrees with you.

Too thick. Poor quality trolling.

well, the fact that you don’t see the meaning doesn’t mean that it’s not there .... although I haven’t watched it and somehow there is no desire to watch it

Just banal romance, or do you think that films should have a deep meaning, this is a fairy tale, and in general it tastes and color ...

Zhenya Swan
Why immediately stupid? People read the book and wanted to see it. Yes, this is a movie and books for teenagers, but I'm 30 and I liked it. And what? Do you need to rip everyone off right now?

The problem is not that it doesn't make sense. In many films with meaning is bad. Everything is just bad here. I think this film is brilliant because there has never been such a bad movie. The game of actors, the work of the director, cameraman and screenwriters is simply disgusting. I personally admire this film precisely because only Russian films about bandits of the 90s can be compared with it in quality. and then there, from lack of money, good actors sometimes acted ...

RUS: testsoch.info/55503267-pochemu-vse-tk-prutsya.html

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