Have you ever wondered why Bella has brown eyes in the Twilight movie, but light blue in real life!?

 Kerri Sweet
Have you ever wondered why Bella has brown eyes in the Twilight movie, but light blue in real life!?


absolutely don't care

because she got lenses

Lenochka Inquisitive

because brown is better

Dr. Cox
do not care .. brick and brick in Africa

Ignatova Violetta
according to the book, she should have brown (chocolate color) eyes, such as a very important detail. so we decided to insert lenses so as not to deviate from the plot of the book

Evgenia Nikolaevna
Have you ever wondered why vampires are reflected in the mirror in the first part?)

according to the book you need brown.

wise princess
because brown eyes are the prettiest

Anya Egorova
filmed according to the book, and in the book she is brown-eyed

User deleted
I don't give a damn.... Did you know that lenses exist?

because in the book it is described as such, and the directors explain it in the same way

RUS: testsoch.info/61300252-vy-ne-zdumyvlis-nd-vop.html