What kind of dumb youngster do you have to be to like a Twilight movie?

 Damir Romazanov
What kind of dumb youngster do you have to be to like a Twilight movie?


Rita Nikolaeva
I tried to watch it 3 times, but 3 times I fell asleep about halfway through ...

If this movie wasn't so popular, no one would hate it.

crap not a movie!

Tatyana I.
Hello, my weary-wise! . Why didn’t Twilight please you, if the people of House 2 and Happy are really watching together. Here, at least, about love. And not everyone is destined to take off the Green Mile. Let's see what is there.

Natalia Titeeva
It seems that my husband doesn’t look like a youngster, and you can’t call him stupid 2 higher ones. But I do not like :)

User deleted
and many girls don't like action movies with dirty characters, shooting and mountains of corpses... It's not at all stupidity, boys are somewhat different from girls. and not only externally. even people of the same sex can enjoy different films. you need to grow up a little to begin to understand some things

Twilight is a solid commercial project, designed for a specific audience) Own, like the "book")

Maybe girls just lack romance and love .... and not because they are: "stupid youngsters":'(

The movie isn't bad, by the way. I'm 30 and I'm far from dumb, by the way, but I watched this movie with pleasure and read the books. I like it. But I don’t understand how you can watch Interns, Happy Together and other dregs.

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