Do you like the twilight movie? If so, which part is the most?

 Sofia Bondar
Do you like the twilight movie? If so, which part is the most?


Nadezhda Zavyalova
First (for music)

Martian Ship
Don't like it very much. The book is better. Nothing special though. But of all the movies, what I like the most is "Eclipse". Edward is better than Jake in every way, although I think both of them are fu. Of all the male characters, Jasper is my favorite.

just denis

In general, I like all parts (I read all the books), but especially the first one. And of course I like Edward better.

I haven't watched it and don't intend to either, the movie is clearly for girls! And to be honest on my own, I hate DUSK If a girl watches twilight, I can understand this But when a Guy watches twilight and tells the truth (and does not lie) that he likes twilight, then something is clearly wrong with the orientation

never looked and don't want to

rainbow rainbow
the first three (most of all - the first and third parts, the second - so-so), well, and the fourth - I didn’t like either Edward or Jacob at all ... Jasper, Bella and Alice like it should have been like this: (just kidding=))) well, better like this: v=Ykuppx-O_0U&feature=related and no Edwards/James _____________________________________ UNKLE – With You In My Head (Feat. The Black Angels) =))) http: //

The first part is better in my opinion. Although I don’t really like these snots) I read books, you can read books, but the film is one time. Especially this eternally open mouth of the main character and the stupid, exhausted face of the bloodsucker kill.

Alina Sychikova
I liked Edward at first. Because he is so sensual, caring, refined. But then I read New Moon, Eclipse and Dawn. And I took a liking to Jacob. What I like about him is that he is persistent, quick-tempered, lively, real. My favorite book is Twilight and Dawn. The same can be said about the film.

†~ Guess who I am ~†
I didn’t like the movie, the disk is lying around, I spent money in vain