Here they condemn "Twilight", American youth comedies, films about vampires and werewolves, superheroes. But it's better

 Ruslan Annenkov
Here they condemn "Twilight", American youth comedies, films about vampires and werewolves, superheroes. But it's better
than our Russian series and films about authorities, prostitutes and cops, like "Alien District", "Prosecutor's Check", "Spouses", "Pyatnitsky", "Brothers" and so on?


Your fox
Why choose the best from the worst?

Andrey Dzyamko
Everyone has their own tastes, one ballet another, another rock music, you can not judge people by their preferences.

Olivia Frazier
I love American TV shows.

of course much better, because someone condemns all popular films. You can't like the same thing for everyone. all the best Russian films were made in the USSR, so there is basically nothing to discuss here.

Barrack of Deception
you watch on the main channels all these series ______ that were filmed by ___________________ for the mentally retarded (c)

Well I do not know. when compared with American youth comedies such as American Pie and a bunch of similar ones - so rubbish about cops, crime and lone heroes is preferable for me, although I like horror movies with a fantastic touch =)))) about all sorts of monsters, underground worms, bees- killers or dead girls))))