Why are movies and series about vampires so popular now? (Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood)

Why are movies and series about vampires so popular now? (Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood)


Georgy Plekhanov
when did they become popular? O_o

yes, just one director spied on another director, and decided to make a film on the same topic, so two films came out. another director saw that there was already a wow. so you have to go in that direction. here is the answer!!!

76-98 ltd
The stupidity of the audience - the people eats everything!

people always watched about vampires with interest .. they read legends and tales ..

Ilyukha Prostakov
films about vampires are not the same for a long time, they don't give a shit about all the laws of this genre. people a hundred years before that tried, created the image of a vampire, deceived by the devil, doomed to the eternal need to kill. and twilight, some woman decided to create a snotty melodrama out of it. the vampire walks during the day, the bitch is a hundred years old, and he goes to school! ! eats animal blood, which is even more ridiculous. people like these movies, they're not about vampires. and films about vampires have long been forgotten: INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, DRACULA, BLADES

RUS: testsoch.info/77425681-pochemu-filmy-i-serily.html