Why don't they hand out sick packets when entering the hall for the next session of the soap series "Twilight"?

 Arctic Fox Unexpected
Why don't they hand out sick packets when entering the hall for the next session of the soap series "Twilight"?


maybe it ended due to the influx of spectators?

Because those who feel sick do not go to such sessions.

Lyoshka Dzhankoysky
Have you read the flyer? It says: "Entry only with your packages")))))))))

Why would you go to see a movie you hate? Or are you a masochist?

Every last breath
The film is watched by those who like it. And if you feel such contempt for this work, then why even ask questions that do not require an adequate answer?

RUS: testsoch.info/82520848-pochemu-pri-vhodje-v-z.html