-After the movie "Twilight" girls all over the world wanted a vampire boyfriend, but not Russians!!

-After the movie "Twilight" girls all over the world wanted a vampire boyfriend, but not Russians!!
- And so there are enough bloodsuckers?


right.. there should be one bloodsucker in a relationship..

Russians prefer alcoholics in the old fashioned way

Jack Cat
Who does not want to be sucked, he himself is a bloodsucker!

because good, normal RUSSIAN girls choose good, normal, RUSSIAN MEN. and give birth to good, normal, RUSSIAN children from them.

After the movie Twilight, or rather after 15 minutes of watching ... I ran away and threw up for a long time in the toilet of the cinema, from the thought, how the hell could I be so embarrassed that my brain made me go to it

RUS: testsoch.info/83647772--posle-film-sumerki-de.html