Which movie about love is a must see?

 daria smurova
Which movie about love is a must see?
Hurry to Love, Twilight, Bones, 50 First Dates, Premonition, Titanic, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice (TV series 1995), Remember Me, Baroness Carini, The Illusionist - THESE FILMS DELIVERED ME! ! Well, what else can you see? Please explain why this movie.


Dirty Dancing, Ghost (Ghost) - with Patrick Swayze.

Anya Popova
The Diary of Memory) cool movie;)

Xenia Andreevna
P.S. I love you. about a love that is stronger than even death.

From our old ones: "Romance of Lovers". "can't say goodbye"

RUS: testsoch.info/85507776-kkoy-film-o-lyubvi-nep.html