Worth watching the movie Mist 2007?

 Angelina Yakutova
Worth watching the movie Mist 2007?


Alexey Moiseev
Overall, it's not bad, but the film doesn't make much of an impression. In my opinion, this is a cross between a passing horror movie with the premise of the drama and a well-acted melodrama with the premise of a deep morality.

Rubbish Edakaya
Costs. I like it. Pretty shocking ending

loki smyq
Yes, the ending in general, Tin. ONLY DO NOT WRITE THE ENDING TO HER HOW AND WHAT.

yes, I liked it, but the ending ... in general, see for yourself)

User deleted
worth a look.

Yachsmith Yachsmith

RUS: testsoch.info/169051468-stoit-smotret-film-mgl.html