Orthodox, have you seen the film "Mist"? Would you behave in a similar situation in the same way as a believing heroine?

 Lydia Parkhomenko
Orthodox, have you seen the film "Mist"? Would you behave in a similar situation in the same way as a believing heroine?
If yes, then what are you all the same ... And if not, then what kind of true faith, as you say?


Irina Mani
Well if she's stupid

And what about the Orthodox?

Olesya Mokhovikova
Well, first of all, there is Catholicism in America. And this religion, although it is Christianity, is still different from Orthodoxy. And that ardent (this is the key word) believer is Catholic, not Orthodox.

RUS: testsoch.info/176522692-prvoslvnye-vy-videli-f.html