what kind of movies can you find similar to twilight, hunger games, divergent, films about the apocalypse or about aliens

what kind of movies can you find similar to twilight, hunger games, divergent, films about the apocalypse or about aliens


Andrey Andreevich
the vampire diaries, but this is a series

Alexander Eremin
Instruments of death...

Olena Kirilenko
Maze Runner, Guest. The Wolf series.

very interesting film

Olivia Frazier
Similar films and series can be found on KinoPoisk, KinoKopilka, Google and Yandex. You just need to write "Movies similar to ... or Series similar to ...". Three dots fill in the name of the movie or series.

RUS: testsoch.info/181353948-kkie-mojno-nyti-filmy-.html

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