What if I liked the movie Twilight and I can't get behind it?

 Daria Stennikova
What if I liked the movie Twilight and I can't get behind it?


Nick Redfield
That also happens. See not health.

Vsevolod Pavlov
Hitting a wall, for example.

User deleted
"he's a dragon" look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5nLfEx764Q

Happiness in the arms
Start getting into movies in earnest. For example, come up with a themed week and every week watch a selection of films by one director or actor. Or watch good movies on the list of the top 100 according to the movie search for example. It is necessary that in the hour that you spend at twilight, every day you watch something new, and not the same thing. And not a series, If you fall behind one, you get stuck in another, the same thing will begin.

Watch or read something good

andrey akkonen
Vampire love is like eternity will pass through thousands of centuries! only the infinity of his wanderings of shackles is terrible to him! Born at night in the light of the stars, doomed to feed on blood! and only hope stretches forward to the soul with which he is betrothed! Centuries of paved glory and the fear of people lives in the hearts! stories in a gold frame, the vampire will survive more than once! And no matter how much he sleeps at night, love lives inside him! but the sun will not call him with bright rays! Once upon a time in the Middle Ages he wandered around Paris at night! emptiness thundered in my soul and my heart beat from below! His palaces did not revolt the consciousness of bygone times! carriages flew past, and he kept wandering his own way! Across the road in the alley, a shadow flickered in the light of the stars! he had to sigh from boredom will have to drink vampire blood! The vampire went for the victim who only carried death! and the victim felt in his heart that his mind was overgrown with cold! That lady's name was Ariana, she was very young! her life counted 20 years and she lived without love! The vampire grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around to face him! both froze in the moonlight and the world disappeared for them later! He could not take his eyes off her pure gaze! the vampire forgot all the former hell that haunted him during the day! And Ariana, like an angel, just froze in fear! what to do to her - she does not know! because before her, her fate! Paris dissolved in seconds and silence filled the ear! the vampire instantly turned and touched her lips! Their kiss was very passionate vampire forgot about the blood! He is not at all scary for her, he is the one who melted the heart! When she opened her eyes, he was no longer there! and how to understand what it was? where did consciousness go? I hurried home along the alleys of silence! the vampire flew after her beautifully! and guarded her steps! And since then, centuries have passed, only their fate has changed! in his mind of a dream, love never goes out! Her soul changed the body from world to world passing! the vampire searched for her skillfully then lost-going crazy! The love of a vampire-rock of immortality always haunts him! and in the loneliness of her heritage, he sees only the eyes !!!!

RUS: testsoch.info/197675446-chto-delt-esli-mne-pon.html