Why is Bella from the movie "Twilight" constantly blinking and twitching her head? Share your thoughts?

 Oksana Sinko
Why is Bella from the movie "Twilight" constantly blinking and twitching her head? Share your thoughts?
No, seriously, it's annoying! The psychology of the acting actress does not reveal this problem! Because such improvisation resembles the inner torment of a down, who inclines a couple of words in different cases in his brain before answering some banality ...


Zarya Zaryanitsa
She's still drying her teeth.

why is anyone even watching this

Does she have parkinson or patisson

Vladimir Vyazemsky
junkie withdrawal

Chorea (choreic hyperkinesis, also known as "Witt's dance" or "St. Vitus dance"; from the Greek χορεία, a type of dance) is a syndrome characterized by erratic, jerky, irregular movements similar to, but different from, normal mimic movements and gestures. amplitude and intensity, that is, more pretentious and grotesque, often reminiscent of a dance.

RUS: testsoch.info/198204740-pochemu-bell-iz-film-s.html