Tell me the series (can be a movie) by the type of the movie "The Mist".

Tell me the series (can be a movie) by the type of the movie "The Mist".




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Will the number of cannibals increase after watching the series "Hanibal"?
I want to watch The Vampire Diaries. But I want to ask you something (inside). Answer please! Interesting???
why is twilight associated with the red apple in the movie???
Recommend TV shows like The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Ancient Ones, Blood Call, Pretty Little Liars. Thank you in advance!!!
Should I watch The Vampire Diaries? What's interesting . And how is the series different from Twilight?
"WE FROM THE CINEMA" -2652: to the 40th anniversary of the theater and film actress Olga DYKHOVICHNOY (born September 4, 1980), known for films and TV series:
What song is playing at the end of the movie "Twilight 1" (2008)
Twilight movie review
Tell me a frame from the movie twilight where bella and edward, jacob and renesmee are walking along the beach, renesmee is already an adult.
What is the correct name for "sad melody slow waltz from the movie Twilight"? who is the composer?
please tell me where to watch the movie "twilight, dawn, part 2"
What year are the Twilight books/movies set in? NOT YEAR OF RELEASE, namely the actions in the book in what year?
Please tell me, any films or series similar in plot and romance to "Twilight" and "The Vampire Diaries"
is it true that the series "The Vampire Diary" is similar to Twilight (read somewhere) ???
is there a continuation of the film the twilight saga break of dawn after the series where the vampires entered the battle with the varkuri tell me
Why do people go crazy over the Twilight movie?