Recommend a film (or series) in the genre of utopia or dystopia, for examples of films such as .. (see inside)

Recommend a film (or series) in the genre of utopia or dystopia, for examples of films such as .. (see inside)
Similar films like: -Equilibrium, Island or Equal, Invasion (where emotions are forbidden) - Blade Runner, Running Man, Total Recall, Minority Opinion and Elysium (fiction) - V for Vendetta (alternate history) a Divergent, Twilight, The Hunger Games and similar films plz do not advise


Kaiju MazaFaka...
A hundred

John Doe
13th floor, a little off topic, but you'll like it. (there are 2 films with the same name, see the early one according to the year of release).

through the snow dedicated (2014)

Aeon Flux In the 21st century, a ferocious virus destroyed most of humanity, and forced the survivors to isolate in a single city, protected by a special dome. It is there that the mysterious agent Aeon Flaks operates, whose motives are inexplicable, and the main goal is a prominent political figure ...

Marmot Suslikovich
From the same subject, not bad enough) True, the book is better

Vicky Corral
Good evening, I can recommend some cool movies: Continuum Black Mirror Corporation Jericho Shepherd Enjoy watching time!