What movie/series to watch?

 Masha Machine
What movie/series to watch?
Recommend a movie/series related to the Middle Ages, magic, mythical creatures (werewolves, vampires, witches). Or some movie / series about the school of magic. Game of Thrones, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf watched.


blonde redhead
Horde of vicars

Vikings, only there are no mythical creatures and magic...

13th warrior

deb linux
Umm... Hobbit?

support shopvk

Aristor Winterfogstad
Underworld Power of fire Van Helsing Witch hunters Doctor Strange Astrix and Obelix Aliens 1, 2, 3 (..in America), 4 (Bastille) Outlander (2008) Prince of Persia I, frankstein Seventh son series Angel

Irina Dorozhkina
The Secret Circle



Olivia Frazier
Supernatural Grimm Originals Castle Bones Pretty Little Liars I-Zombie Arrow Flash The X-Files Daredevil Damien Sleepy Hollow Supergirl Stitchers Outlander Quarantine Once Upon a Time H2O:Just Add Water People American Gothic 2016 Resurrection The Secret Circle White Collar The 100 Legends of Tomorrow Chronicles shanners Grey's Anatomy Beauty and the Beast Gotham Salem Game of Thrones Blind Spot Bitten Tabloid Horror/Cheap Horror/Scary Tales Heartbreaking Merlin Ghost Talker Cloak Tomorrow People Whisper East End Witches Constantine Lucifer Eternity Legend About the Seeker The Marvelous Journeys of Hercules Xena Warrior Princess The Call of Blood True Blood 4400 Rebellious Spirit 100 Labors of Edd McDowd The Punisher Smallville Unfortunate Helen and the Boys Friends Tommy the Werewolf American Gothic American Horror Story Pirates of the Caribbean Reanimation Zoe Hart of the Southern State/Heart of Dixie The Secret Diary of a Girl on call White Collar Notoriety t.s. 12 monkeys t.s. Third wife t.s. Out of Time 2016 Corporation 2016 Emerald City 2017 On the other side of 2016 Lemony Snicket: 33 misfortunes of 2017 t. s. Spartacus Riverdale 2017 t. s. False accusation/False testimony Kingdom 2013 Believe 2014 Iron Fist T.S. Jessica Jones t.s. White princess 2017 Force Majeure 2011-... Think Like a Criminal Superhumans/Inhumans 2017 Titans t.s. 2018 Gifted t.s. 2017 Shadowhunters t.s. 2016 The Runaways/The Runaways 2017 Sheldon's childhood t.s. 2017 Sirena 2018 t. s. Black Lightning 2018 Midney, Texas Commissioner Rex Sentenced to Life/Life Sentence 2018 t. s. Stargate: Early 2018 Chronicles of Shannara

Literally today I wrote an article TOP 10 films that I liked, look, maybe you will choose something: If you choose series, then go here:

Alexander Muratov
TOP-23 list of TV shows about VAMPIRES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYB409sC_Os

RUS: testsoch.info/207642216-kkoy-filmseril-posmotr.html

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