Will there be a sequel to the Twilight movie?

 Dana Fisher
Will there be a sequel to the Twilight movie?


Ivan Sipachev
Shouldn't have started...

Given their profitability and popularity, sooner or later some kind of sequel or remake appeared. Or the same story, but from the point of view of another character, as happened with 50 Shades

Xenia Andreevna
Who knows, but in my opinion it is stupid to make a sequel, the series of films is logically completed.

T. Modestova
All the books in this cycle written by Stesha have been filmed (well, maybe a couple of short stories are out of work). So until she writes something new in this setting - and she does, she has zero talent, and the competition in the field of vampire love is fierce - or sells the rights to the sequel to someone else - which is unlikely, "you need such a cow yourself" -- don't expect any new films.

Dama con l'ermellino
dawn was too much. but the publishers demanded a sequel (

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