What movies and series about the love of a vampire and a human do you know?

What movies and series about the love of a vampire and a human do you know?
So, Twilight. Further...


voverrr mironoff
"Let me in"

Dark Traveler
Vampire in Brooklyn, Twilight

Rantahun Rantahun
another world. dracula. with oldman.

N̶o̶ ̶M̶o̶r̶e̶ Dream
Blood (2015) There's Still Time for Love (2015) The Vampire Flower (2014) The Vampire Diaries (2009) The Shadowhunters (2016) (Vampire and Human story in the background, but still) Dark Shadows (2012) Scientist Walking the Night (2015)

Houston, we have a problem! ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ
"Vampire Clan" 1996

Andrey Serov
Hotel Translevania

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