Why does the main character in the movie Twilight constantly walk with her mouth open?

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 Lucius Malfoy
Why does the main character in the movie Twilight constantly walk with her mouth open?


Nose stuffed up because he breathes through his mouth

And not only, Pindo films are generally full of flycatchers

Bedovaya Alyonka.
She told the director I had a runny nose, and he, dive dive.

Such an actress

She squeaks softly from the fact that she walks around with vampires and werewolves, we just don’t hear it.

You haven't seen Melissa George yet.

Barbara Jelly
Weak maxillofacial muscle

In general, with the appearance of a dibiloid ... I can't stand it

Παλλὰς Ἀθηνᾶ
I think actress Kristen Stewart is autistic.

Lyolya ^_^
Recently, by the way, I watched a funny humorous video, it’s easier to say, and they noticed it there, I myself didn’t notice, they say: - why are you walking with your mouth open? Tie it up! XD At this moment, I was neighing like a horse ... XD, by the way, in the past I am an ardent fan of twilight, I have books and collectible figurines) this thing happened when I was 12-13 years old, and at 17 I decided to reconsider my "lyuboff" even I couldn't finish watching XD, that's how it happens ... ;)

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