Movies and TV shows similar to Twilight

 Ekaterina Dunaeva Dunaeva
Movies and TV shows similar to Twilight
Please advise movies and series that are similar to the movie Twilight. I would like to see something similar.


Alexandra ☭
another world 3. there a vampire falls in love with a werewolf, and her dad is shocked

General Psychologists
The legend of the seeker, there is just trash going on, without dogs and bloodsuckers, but with wizards

Val DeMaar
dark Shadows\

Deal with the devil

Tolik Panarin
"Shadows disappear at noon."

Brindle Already
"Witch Discovery"

Pavel Sosnovich
50 Shades of Gray Divergent The Hunger Games

It seemed to me, "The Warmth of Our Bodies" is similar. And the main character even reminds Kristen Stewart, only blonde