Movie "Twilight 3. Eclipse"...

American Home Warranty

 Ekaterina Kryunas
Movie "Twilight 3. Eclipse"...
Share your impressions, who has already watched... It is very interesting, did this film disappoint you?


Julia Prikhodko
I'll just go tomorrow...

movie?? ? you called this beleberda a movie?? ? spit and knock on wood

***Black Rose***
disappointed ((I won’t even go to the next part, and at home I’ll download and watch

Leanne Dozhdikova
Cool movie! Not disappointed at all, just delighted. Especially Jake, so cool!

Elvira Karimova
Friends went yesterday and said that it was not very interesting ...

Anya *
Average, the book is much better

I like it! but the taste and color...

not a bad movie. . although the first part was the most interesting!

Viktor Osipov
I'm also going to go soon :)

Ekaterina Tonkovid
I went to the movie... I'm somehow not thrilled.. I just liked the battle itself and that's it...