Who is your favorite character in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse?

 Alice Cullen
Who is your favorite character in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse?
Who is your favorite character in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse?



Kristen Stewart
Alice Cullen and Jasper Cullen, more Jake Bella and Edward

User deleted
Jacob and Alice (I like them the most in all parts).

Devil in a skirt

Ksenia Nazarova
Alice exactly matched my inner idea of ​​the appearance of this heroine. Although it was easy... :)

Olga R
Alice and Jacob are just awesome

and to me riley (xavier samuel) - so petty, so pretty! ! ))

Evgenia Baranova
riley damn he's so cool cute, and in general it would be better if they took him to the role of edward, otherwise pattinson didn't come out with a face and edward should be handsome and Xavier will have more talent. Well, Alice of course she's perfect.

I liked Alice, so sweet, perfect for this role. Riley liked it, such a honey and it was such a pity when they killed him

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