Why is Twilight so popular?

Why is Twilight so popular?


that this is another "beautiful" story about a prince on a white horse for stupid teenage girls

Dragon Vova
it would make a good soap opera

Ivan Bikov
Young girls like to believe in a fairy tale about a brave vampire and a defenseless ordinary girl. =)

Dmitry Nikolaev
I watch the beautiful half just melt away from this pale, starved vampire baby (no, in order to drink blood from people, he is from animals (zoophile, practically)). Damn, they made a half-wit from a boarding school of noble maidens out of a normal vampire.

I myself don’t understand what they found in this film furore, after watching the 1st series (and then briefly) I didn’t like the film, the last one is somehow better ....

Andrey Garaychuk
this old tale about love in a new way...

Maria Moroz
I saw in her the story of a girl who solves her question of immortality in her own way. "to live forever? And under what conditions?" The question is quite popular at all times, plus an extraordinary love story. The script is good, without cheap "lure" the audience, good acting. Put it all together, add a budget and promote it."

Well, probably because films about love and about the perfect guy will always be popular among the female audience.

RUS: testsoch.info/42689353-v-chem-tkya-populyarno.html