How many credits for a Twilight movie?

 Alexander Minyuk
How many credits for a Twilight movie?


Aureliano Buendia
4, I think the 3rd came out recently

Alenkaa Proninaa
Only 5...Wait for 2 more

Niskoka, because shit will not find honor.

5 parts

Bella Bella
Dusk, New Moon, Eclipse, Dawn part 1 and part 2

2 more will be The fourth book into two films split.

Natalie Khrenova
Five )) Dawn will be broken into two parts

Elena Arkhipova
Stephenie Meyer wrote 4 books (twilight, new moon, eclipse, dawn) and midnight sun, but this is kind of an abbreviated story of the previous 4 books and from Edward's point of view. The Midnight Sun has not been officially published, although if you search the internet you can find it. But 5 films will be shot - the first 3 have already been released, and the dawn is divided into 2 parts, the first will be released at the end of 2011, and the second part in 2012. I read all the books, and I want to say that they are more interesting than they made films ....

Nikita Kurko
Twilight. Twilight. New Moon Saga Twilight. Eclipse Twilight. Dawn 1 part of Twilight. Dawn part 2 of Nezn can still be released Twilight. Midnight Sun and Twilight 100 Years Later

Until the paper writer dies, the epic will not end ...


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