When will Russia stop making remakes of popular Western TV series? What next series will be the new victim?

When will Russia stop making remakes of popular Western TV series? What next series will be the new victim?
"Interns" were written off from the "Clinic", "Voices" - from "Medium", "Doctor" Tyrsa "- from "Doctor House", "Escape" - from the American "Escape" ... Well, I'm tired already! And what will happen next A parody series of Lost, Supernatural, and The Vampire Diaries, and they'll be called Survival Island, Unexplained, and Vampire Twilight???


Already got the creatures with these serials ...

Misha Gareev
And it seems to me that the series "voices" was licked from "lie to me", at least the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis series is also present there.

The project "Lost" is already in development, the location of the filming is being determined. Not when they stop. They don’t have their own brains, so everything Western is in demand.

Sergey Danilov
I don't care, I'm not looking. Let them take pictures, even though they are busy with business.

Apparently, this brings producers a lot of income, although it has practically no moral value. And, therefore, this blasphemy will never stop! In Russia (and throughout the former CIS) they have long forgotten how to shoot films (with a very, VERY rare exception ...)!

Oh .. oh well))) Humor can not be much. And I think it's easier for us to make our own series than to buy them from Hollywood. Have you thought about this? ? That the treasury of our channels is still not rubber. In any case, there can be nothing worse than TV shows like "Institute for Noble Maidens" and similar snotty crap_)))))) Rejoice that at least some of our producers do not wrap snot around their fists))

Hamster cat from space
as soon as advertising is banned on television, they will immediately stop

oh, and don't forget the series "Lie Theory" / "Lie to me" / "Lie to me" - they will call it - "the psychology of lies" or something like that =)

YES, YES, THIS IS IT. as long as they don't shoot our version of "SANTA BARBARA" like "URYUPINSK-CITY" or the like for 10 years. here it will be a cap.

RUS: testsoch.info/50317058-kogd-v-rossii-perestnu.html