Do you like the movie "Twilight" at least one part?

 izzy hilton
Do you like the movie "Twilight" at least one part?


Zhenya Atapina
Yes, I really liked the first part. The rest are not.

Petya Bukin
not really, so some kind of melodrama.))

I like everyone... but this movie can be watched normally only once.... the second one is completely uninteresting!

Anton Afonin
All! And I read the 4th!

no I do not like

Oksana Yakovleva
More like books.

Svetlana Chernova
I watched the first part a million times, the second a couple of times, and the third did not like at all.

I don’t, especially since a girl tried to show it to me five times, and then she and her friend discussed it, then they got books on the net, then they waited for the rest of the parts to come out, after that I hated him

Eugene Russia
No. Kind of boring...

dick fucking
no, because I don’t stick such a creative type of love between a Ukrainian and a lard.

I just watched the first one and loved it! ! I don’t even plan to watch the rest, so as not to spoil the good impressions)))

No Not a supporter of melodramatic plots.

Soldier of Fortune
No, stupid movie

The Beatles
so-so. not very sure. Twilight made such a splash to the extent that everyone just goes crazy with vampires .. + vampire diaries "leaked" out of them. . this is what's annoying

Irina Roitman
Like part 1, especially the soundtracks

1 part. The rest are not very good.

Angelina Mishurova
all parts and in general the film UG

Ira Dorozhkina
no it's complete bullshit