What is so special about the Twilight movie?

What is so special about the Twilight movie?


Katya Novikova
but I’m only 1.2 Nitsche so, but 3 doesn’t)

Sanya Abramenko
nothing, complete bullshit

Veronika Vyakhireva
the behavior of the main characters - embarrassment, fear, resentment ....

someone probably Robert Pattinson, but for me, absolutely nothing

Denis Borzenko
nothing ...

Ordinary girl snot for teenagers.

Melamory Blimm
just melodrama with vampires. looks easy and doesn't bother

Absolutely nothing. A typical love story with ordinary actors. I did not find anything new or particularly interesting for myself there. Okay, the first part still looks normal, but the subsequent parts are already nonsense sucked from the finger. This film is most liked by teenagers, because the theme of vampires is always perceived with a bang.

They try to show us what absolute love looks like. everything is highly idealized, since in real life this practically does not happen. that is why it is so attractive to young people, when they still think that everything is possible, and that you are special, and you will definitely have it. Here.

Natalia Kalinina
love of a vampire and a man and a lion fell in love with a lamb

Edward fell in love with Bella for her difference from others. He couldn't read her mind. As for others, they were just interested in a new girl in their environment. About beauty both in the book and in the film: Bella is not a beauty and should not be according to the script. And the film itself attracts many: camera work that creates a certain atmosphere, beautiful landscapes, musical accompaniment, super soundtracks and, of course, Edward's mesmerizing look.

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