Where did the fog and all the monsters come from in The Mist? They talked about some kind of experiment, but I didn’t really understand anyt

Where did the fog and all the monsters come from in The Mist? They talked about some kind of experiment, but I didn’t really understand anything)


The survivors discover that two soldiers involved in Project Arrow have hanged themselves while on a trip to the drugstore. The remaining soldier - the one whose girlfriend died from a fly bite - says that scientists from the project accidentally opened a window to a parallel world, and creatures and fog appeared from there.

mouth guard
I don't know about the movie, but I read the book. It didn't say where. It's just that people assumed that it had something to do with military experiments, because there was some kind of secret military base where the fog came from.

Small-Ru-Math Small-Ru-Math
The answer is in Stephen King's The Dark Tower series of novels. During the experiments, the military opened a portal (door) not to another parallel world, but to the interworld, called todesh. Todesh is a space inhabited by unimaginably terrible creatures that are very fond of the blood of people.

Maxim Sedov
scientists decided to see what is in another universe or something like that, they opened a small portal to look, but due to a thunderstorm, the portal expanded and the monsters got out

Read a book. Everything is clear there

Julia Nedobuga
forever in horror because of the mistake of people, all sorts of garbage begins to happen, which ultimately leads to the death of people. Thus, the authors of horror want to tell us that all the nightmares that occur in the film, terrible cruel deaths and tragedies occur through the fault of people. somehow not very rosy right?? This is the worst and saddest of all.

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