What came out before the Twilight movie or The Vampire Diaries?

 Oksana Zaliska
What came out before the Twilight movie or The Vampire Diaries?


before the movie twilight came out

Vlada Papsheva
I think the twilight saga came out earlier

Natalia Demchenko
from the beginning of twilight, so in one of the series of diaries, the hero quotes twilight, as if some Vella fell in love with a vampire ... it was funny to hear

Olivia Frazier
Twilight 2008 http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/401177/ http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(film, _2008) The Vampire Diaries 2009 http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/453191/ http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_Diaries_(TV series)

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