Which series is worth watching? (watched The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Supernatural, Angel)

 Evgenia Akimova
Which series is worth watching? (watched The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Supernatural, Angel)
I would like to see something in one breath ..


Sergei Konoplev
Stargate, Star Trek Enterprise

Olga Sankina
SUPERNATURAL! Definitely) Twilight is not a series, by the way, but a second-rate melodrama.

hmmm. . "Dexter")http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/277537/


every day on Channel One at 21:00 "time" is the best series about how bad things are for some and good for others +) there are analogues on other channels "news" (channel Russia) =)

Gossip Girl Veronica Mars Make or Break (Gymnasts)

Olivia Frazier
Dr. House

RUS: testsoch.info/57766737-kkoy-seril-stoit-posmo.html