What is the point of the Twilight movie? I rewatched it for the second time, I think it's complete nonsense.

What is the point of the Twilight movie? I rewatched it for the second time, I think it's complete nonsense.


I think so too))

La Mome
Yes, a fairy tale teenage, frivolous.

If you've seen it, it means you liked it...

Daria Romanova
for someone how)) it’s a matter of tastes, someone likes it (to be honest, I don’t understand them myself), someone thinks that this is nonsense))

Sanya Valtsev
Well, the whole point of "Twilight" was revealed in "Vampires Suck" (Vampires Suck). And it lies in the fact that, under the contract, the hero must go out every 10 minutes of screen time.

Christina Mintuyk
Love between different beings. Man and vampire are very different, but love brings them together. And it's damn cool to be close to a person who is categorically different from you in everything. The film makes you dream and believe, and wait for love, to those who have not found it.

>> Nastya... :D
The meaning of strong love ..) maybe ..

Alexander Ivanov
This film was made for girls of adolescence))) Do not even bother

Olga Shevnina
I don't understand the hysteria surrounding this "work" either.

This rubbish does NOT make sense! Because rubbish has no meaning :)) Do not watch such disgusting things anymore :(

the point is that there is no point) although the point is still that for the sake of love a person is ready for anything) but for me the film is weak, I already grew up with this and I like something more interesting))

The Queen
It makes no sense, vampires are not vampires, but some kind of pathetic parody of them, fuuuuuuuuuu, this is how Mayer decided to be original, like vampires without fangs, they can also be vampires, but this is NOT SO

In love between different beings, which was turned from impossible into possible .. Something like that ..

old gangster
You watched it 2 times and survived! ? O_O

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