What is the real last name of Jakab from the twilight movie. what is the last name of jacab from twilight movie

 prokurator Sergey
What is the real last name of Jakab from the twilight movie. what is the last name of jacab from twilight movie


Sofia Rodina
The character himself is called Jacob Black, and the actor who played him is Taylor Lautner. http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/4/people/224189/

Agata Shevyakova
Jacob has Amailia Black and the actor who plays him has Lautner

Evgenia Mokhnacheva

Question answer
Actor Taylor Lautner

Alina Kashirina
Full name is Taylor Daniel Lautner!

Taylor lotner

Taylor Daniel Lautner (pronounced /ˈlaʊtnər/, born February 11, 1992, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA) is an American actor, best known for his participation in the films The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava (2005) and the vampire saga "Twilight", where he played the role of Jacob Black, "Valentine's Day" (2010).

In the movie Twilight Jacob Black. Full name is Taylor Daniel Lautner. Taylor was born to Daniel and Deborah Lautner.

Tamara Tuguz

Amy Lee

Intala Jalilova
Taylor Lautner-Jacob Black

his name is Taylor Lautner

Taylor Lautner

*** just an angel ***
I am a fan and I know everything about him. His last name is Lautner

Jacob Black)) Taylor Lautner.

|¶ With_eyes_of_Coffee™_color ¶|

Christina Vetrova
I can't stand it, but the magazines say Lautner

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