have you seen the movie twilight? how did you like it or not?

have you seen the movie twilight? how did you like it or not?


I watched, didn't like it

Olivia Frazier
I don't like this movie at all, it makes me sick.

I watched. I liked it. I love this theme.

a film for young girls who lack romance

There is not
yes, I watched parts 1, 2 and 3, 4 (dawn) I didn’t manage to look, I started reading, bee (it’s better to watch) - but I didn’t manage to watch it - supposedly they didn’t let “bed scenes” in there - there was nothing there !! ! I liked parts 2 and 3 the most!

The first part was a success, except for the lack of acting by Kristen Stewart, and she is so talented! In the film Panic Room, Kristen played brilliantly along with Jodie Foster. And in adult roles, she became chronically unconvincing. The rest of the parts are boring, I didn't finish any of them. Tightened, tedious, but the masses will go to the viewer.

I really liked the music and panoramic shots

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