who watched: how the final part of the twilight movie will end. saga. dawn part 2

 Oksana Turanova
who watched: how the final part of the twilight movie will end. saga. dawn part 2


Costa Rica
Like in the book - happy ending)

NiKa Kleshnevskaya

Everything will be fine

I'm under the impression .... they said that the ending was changed .... I thought that it was thorough, but a little bit completely ... the main thing ended well))

I liked NiKa Kleshnevskaya's answer the best XD

The driver killed them all

Fortune button
SPOILER! IMMEDIATELY I SAY WHO DOES NOT WANT DO NOT READ! I ANSWER THE QUESTION! At night I came from the premiere, I'll tell you the ending, the battle began, after they tore off Caralail's head, they also tore it off Jasper ... Then they killed the werewolf Seth and his sister Leah sacrificed herself to save Esme. They killed almost all the Walturi and Edward and Bella cut off Aro's head) And what was everyone's surprise when they showed that this was just a vision of Alice, she showed it to Aro and he quickly changed his mind) Since they would lose in the battle by vision ... Then Alice provided proof that Renesmee is not dangerous. And everyone went home safely) And they lived forever and happily)))) In principle, read the book, the ending is almost the same)))

Vadim Smirnov
remove the stars

adeline sakhautdinova
Everything was devoured by the black man that Nika Kleshnevskaya has

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