Will he keep his promise? Sergey 11/09/1980 and Olga 06/21/88 we agreed to go to the cinema together for the film Twilight.

Will he keep his promise? Sergey 11/09/1980 and Olga 06/21/88 we agreed to go to the cinema together for the film Twilight.


Mister User
Looking at the avatar - he has no chance of failing.

In fact, the Geneva Convention prohibits torture ..)

Keep your promise. He is a man of his word.

And so I am a student of Alexei Novatsky himself. And I say yes

Well, unless it's some kind of force majeure)) - Girl, can I invite you to the cinema? - Can. Do you happen to snore at night?

Andrey Buzykin
Everything is possible) )

Lina Allen
Everything will be OK! Don't worry:))

Little Fox
Girl, they don’t ask fortunetellers such questions. It is nonsense. You yourself know the answer.

We are all together here on the Answers, let's hope that the guy will not fulfill his promise, will not go with you to any Twilight, and thereby save himself.

Alisa Grethen
Possibly, but not sure if it will do anything.

Elizabeth ASTRO
relationship will be very short lived.

baboon mail
yes already bought the tickets

The Snow Queen
the hype is now over in the cinema and go be sure to go

Veronica -------------

Madame Rosa
he won't keep his promise

stas simonov
he won't do i can

Evgeny Agafonov
If you promise him something after the movie, he will gladly agree.

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